26 June 2011

Finding love on the net

Many people have been emailing me asking whether it is OK to start a relationship over the internet. Because of this, I thought it would be appropriate to address this issue now.

While it is a fairly normal thing for non-christians to sign up to a dating website, I wouldn't advise the same for a Christian.
These websites will warn people about the dangers of internet dating, e.g. giving out personal details, meeting alone, etc., which applies to a Christian also. However, a Christian needs to consider a lot more than just saying 'I'm using my faith' and also accepting those words "I am a Christian too." I would even advise against using 'christian' dating websites also.

 I know church-goers who want to find a partner and are prepared to date non-christians because "God is taking too long". I have also heard many times "there is no one in the church for me," as if they dated everyone in the church and then came up with this conclusion.

This person follows what their eyes see in the church and doesn't believe there is anyone eligible for them and yet chooses to believe what that person said in those emails or that profile picture online and the section that says 'Religion, if applicable' which is filled in as - Christian.

Is this person really using their faith as they claim?
There are Christians so worried about finding someone that they disregard all the intellect and wisdom they asked God to give them and believe so much that that person is right for them, that they will not even bother meeting up face to face. They have already made the decision to get married. And what is this based on? Emails, letters, a few phone calls - Is that it?

There were no meetings face to face where you could get a much better impression of the person's reactions to questions that you ask them. How can you find this out by words in an email? There is no getting to know about their surroundings; their family, types of places they visit, friends they keep, if they really go to church, how they pray - nothing!
Unfortunately those that didn't use their intelligent faith are the ones emailing in and telling us about the consequences of their bad choices and decisions they made. And this will continue to happen to Christians who choose to ignore this advice, not from me, but from others who now have a terrible tale to tell. 

Look out for the warnings signs!
"Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers. For what fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness? And what communion has light with darkness? And what accord has Christ with Belial? Or what part has a believer with an unbeliever?" -2 Corinthians 6:14,15. 

There is no association with someone whom you do not know properly yet, let alone an unbeliever.
So my advice is: Don't go down that road. If you say you have faith, then remember that the time it took for you to change, get serious with God and eventually start praying for someone for your love life, the same is also true for that person who you want to be with. And that person God has prepared for you may only have started attending the church - this week!
Think about this!

Attend the Love Therapy Meetings every Saturday at 6pm and learn how to find the right person - God's way

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