18 July 2012

Use the force

"And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and the violent take it by force" – Matthew 11:12

If we look back, we will see that in order to receive the kingdom of heaven, (health, prosperity, family, relationships, salvation, etc.), it had to be done aggressively.

Here are a few examples of where 'violent faith' was used both in a negative and positive way:

Lucifer had no mercy when influencing one third of the angels of heaven to rebel against God. Those fallen angels are demons today.
  Saul ordered Stephen to be stoned to death because of his 'no nonsense' preaching.
  Elijah, the only living prophet of the Lord, put his life on the line facing all 450 prophets of baal. They were all executed.
  David faced Goliath who defied the armies of the Living God. Goliath's head was cut off.
  Jesus went down to hell to take back the keys that satan had in his possession for so long.

And the same principle still applies today. Not physically, of course! But in order to receive and hold on to all the blessings of God, you MUST use all the force you have—VIOLENTLY.

Doesn't this go against Bible teachings?

No it doesn't!  Here are some examples of how you can be 'violent' against negativity in your love life. You must be violent:

  To resist and rebuke the tempting thoughts to watch pornography or anything else not fitting to watch.
  To get rid of the grudges held against those who hurt or abused you in the past.
  To say "No" to your own sexual desires when your ex-partner, or that person you are dating, seeming to be the right one for you, says or insinuates to sleep with them as you'll both be together anyway.
  To reject those negative comments sown in your mind by people who only want you to remain single.

Notice that prayer alone, or being soft with these problems will not solve them. You need to be brutal, aggressive, rough, tough with yourself and firm with others around you, otherwise the thoughts, feelings or comments will only be a step closer to your fall.
By doing this, you are protecting yourself from YOURSELF—the deceit of your heart.

Don't let the devil steal from you your right to the kingdom of heaven.

Use the force!

16 July 2012

Getting drunk for love?

No I'm not talking about Chardonnay, Merlot, Sauvignon or Semillon. I am referring to one of two wines; either God's wine or the world's wine.

How do I know if I am drinking worldly wine

You are if you are so desperate to find someone for your love life that you resort to anything to get an answer. It can involve one or all of the following:

1. Signing up to internet dating sites in the hope you will find a match.

2. Reading trashy books, magazines and articles on love, dating, sex and marriage.

3. Placing your hopes on 'your' horoscope believing what it says. For e.g.
"With the alignment of Venus and Mars, you might find that this month holds a significant breakthrough for your love life. Look out for someone wearing red."
4. Being influenced by family, friends or colleagues to look for love at nightclubs, parties, and wine bars.

5. Following family and friends wrong advice.

6. Watching, believing and following the countless daytime talk shows titled "I'm sleeping with your sister... and your mum."

7. Believing that it's natural or healthy to masturbate, watch pornography, sleep with as many people as possible or to enjoy your life because you are free to do whatever you want to do.

If you have done or are still doing any of the above, you have drunk or are still drinking the wine of this world. It's no wonder you are not happy or satisfied! You have become drunk on the spirits of this world that have influenced many to do the same things, not realising that the after-effects are more damaging that a simple hangover. These include always meeting the wrong types, feeling guilty, unwanted pregnancies, contracting STD's, depression, quickie divorces, feeling suicidal and more.

As the verses below says, don't judge the world's wine by its quick solutions, but instead by the after-effects that you have witnessed in other peoples lives as well as your own. And then after being disappointed, you repeat the same thing again thinking this time all will be different.

"Who are the people who are always crying the blues? Who do you know who reeks of self-pity? Who keeps getting beat up for no reason at all? Whose eyes are bleary and bloodshot? It's those who spend the night with a bottle, for whom drinking is serious business. Don't judge wine by its label, or its bouquet, or its full-bodied flavor. Judge it rather by the hangover it leaves you with-the splitting headache, the
queasy stomach. Do you really prefer seeing double, with your speech all slurred, Reeling and seasick, drunk as a sailor? "They hit me," you'll say, "but it didn't hurt; they beat on me, but I didn't feel a thing. When I'm sober enough to manage it, bring me another drink!"
 Proverbs 23:29-35 The Message

Be 'drunk' on God's wine

That is, His Spirit. This involves His Word, and patience, persistence, trust and more importantly being revolted at having been deceived all this time and don't allow yourself to drink the cheap wine that this world offers you again. You will be sober, not confused or blinded by others. And should you make wrong decisions you will remain standing, able to learn from mistakes and move on instead of repeating more of the same destructive actions.
Quench the thirst in your love life by following God's direction every Saturday 7pm, Sunday 9.30am and also Wednesday 7.30pm.