28 March 2012

Unfaithful without realising it

Have you realised how little the topic of 'faithfulness' is mentioned in the media nowadays?

What gets the most attention in the 'lads mags', news articles, story-lines in the soaps, even the topic of conversation in the playground is about getting as many partners as possible, without any commitment. It's about pleasing the self as much as possible and not caring who gets hurt in the process. And many are following this path of destruction.

This is what is happening 'outside.' But what about what's happening within the 4 walls of the church? I mean in a Christian's life—YOU!

How faithful are you?  I'm not just talking about faithfulness to a past or present partner. More, have YOU been faithful to yourself—in your words and your deeds? What you say and what you do say a lot about who you are and how faithful you will be in any relationship.

Do you consider little white lies as something innocent to save you from getting into trouble? These little white lies eventually turn into the big lies that you thought you would never say.

Have people stopped relying on you as they can no longer trust a word you say. "I'll meet you at six", but even you know your six means eight, or even later. Not even your pastor can depend on your word anymore!

You do not stick to the promises you make to yourself. If you are not faithful and admit that you don't carry out what you said you would, then how will anyone else believe in you? "I will be a better listener," "I'm going to stop flirting," "I'm going to start attending Love Therapy and be faithful in my attendance" "I'm not going to put myself down anymore." These are just some of the empty wishes that roll off the tongue without any change accompanying them.

Faithfulness requires controlling the things you see and your thoughts so that they do not lead you to sin. Jesus said: "You have heard that it was said to those of old, You shall not commit adultery. But I say to you that whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart." Matthew 5:27-28

So, are you faithful? The answer to this is not just towards a partner, or amongst friends or colleagues, but in your obedient behaviour towards The Invisible God. If you are honourable, sincere and faithful to His teachings, you will be the same towards others—especially your spouse.

"Bondservants, obey in all things your masters according to the flesh, not with eyeservice, as men-pleasers, but in sincerity of heart, fearing God. And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men." Colossians 3:22-23

26 March 2012

PROMO - Faking Your Way to a Happy Relationship & Small Things That Make...

Partners4life PROMO

Faking Your Way to a Happy Relationship
Tues 27th March, 2012 - 7.30am & 00.30am

Consideration: Small Things That Make a Big Difference
SKY Channel 219 - 'Partners4Life'

04 March 2012

PROMO - Partners4life.tv

Partners4life PROMO

Modern Day Vs Olden Day Relationships
Tues 6th March, 2012 - 7.30am & 00.30am

Love Yourself first
Thurs 8th March, 2012 - 7.30am & 00.30am

SKY Channel 219 - 'Partners4Life'

"I get so emotional baby..."

Paula Yates and Michael Hutchence
On 17 September 2000, Paula Yates, 41, was found dead at her home in London of an accidental heroin overdose. The coroner ruled that it was not a suicide, but a result of "foolish and incautious" behaviour.

Amy Winehouse and Blake Fielder-Civil.
A coroner's inquest reached a verdict of misadventure. The report released on 26 October 2011 stated that Winehouse's blood alcohol content was more than five times the legal drink-drive limit. According to the coroner, "The unintended consequences of such potentially fatal levels resulted in her sudden death."

Whitney Houston and Bobby Brown
On February 11, 2012, Houston was found dead in a suite at the Beverly Hilton Hotel, in Beverly Hills, California, submerged in the bathtub. Local police said there were "no obvious signs of criminal intent."

What did Paula Yates, Amy Winehouse and Whitney Houston all have in common?

Not only did they die in tragic circumstances, which you wouldn't think possible for such famous celebrities in their field, but the question you need to ask yourself is who introduced those things into their lives?

On the surface you could quickly reply that it was the pressure of fame which other celebrities have faced, but a closer look reveals that their partners had a very big role to play in their demise.

Paula Yates died after a heroin overdose. Amy Winehouse died of blood poisoning, and Whitney from a cocktail of alcohol and prescription drugs. These deaths did not happen after one fatal drug or alcohol binge. Their deaths were a result of months, even years of abuseWhy?

Because they made the wrong choice of dating known "bad boys" - men who had inner demons of their own but could not overcome them.

I'm positive that these women knew the addiction their men had, but battling their own inner demons, they either thought this man understands the problems I'm facing or was introduced to drugs and alcohol when it was too latewhen their hearts said "I'm hooked to him". Therefore there would be no going back from the steep downward spiral culminating in their deaths.

If you think you can change someone you just met with addictions or a past that continues to haunt them, you will be on your own on that narrow lonely road. And the chances are: 

1.    You will accept the person as they are and continue in that relationship (knowing full well you will suffer for the rest of the time you are together, and even beyond)

2.    You will end up doing the same they do.

You need to take a step back and let that person find help in God. The real truth is that they, nor you are not ready for a relationship.

However, when you have God's Spirit in you, you firstly know what's right and what is wrong for you and you will have the strength to carry out the right decision
with no emotions attached. When you do not have His character, you are indecisive and will end up eventually saying yes to all that is wrong. Once you jump in at the deep end, it will be hard to save yourself.

And finally I recently heard one of Whitney's songs. I would strongly advise you not to follow these lyrics. However,  how many did and still do today:
"I get so emotional baby, every time I think of you..."