28 August 2011

The love 'filling'

Have you ever had a toothache? What do we normally do when we get that nagging pain?

Usually we ignore it for a few days. We may buy toothpaste for 'sensitive' teeth to see if that works. Sometimes it's the same tooth that has been playing up since your were a child. You even got a filling for it which resolved the problem - or so you thought!

Years later the pain slowly returns and worsens day by day. You realise that over the counter medicines or gargling grandma's homemade remedy of tree bark, 'wing of bat', 'tail of newt', cloves and salt doesn't do the trick anymore.

These are all surface treatments. However they don't treat the actual problem. And where is the real problem after doing all the above? Literally - at the root.

The solution to getting rid of the pain is to either do root canal treatment or to replace the whole tooth with an implant.

This analogy can be applied to your love life.
Perhaps you are in the latest relationship which you hoped would be the one that would be successful. However, this one, like the others before, is destined to fail. Your partner has been complaining that you are the reason for most of the arguments that have taken place; that you are always angry and that you put yourself down due to your insecurities about your looks. You even say to your partner "find someone else if you're not happy with me then". IS THIS THE ROOT OF THE PROBLEM? Let's go deeper...
You didn't mention the other failed relationships or marriages.They also mentioned the same thing to you, but instead you blamed them for cheating on you; for not giving you attention. You kept telling yourself that you were no good and repeatedly said to your partner 'why did you ever go out with me' - because of the way you looked. IS THIS THE ROOT OF THE PROBLEM? Let's go deeper...
You also failed to mention that as a teenager you fell pregnant or made a girl pregnant. You never liked to stay at home and was always out with those friends, of whom most of them today have failed relationships themselves, are addicted to something, in prison or died at an early age.
You never stayed indoors as your parents were always fighting. Your dad was always drunk, even cheated on your mum. When he would be out your mum would cry a lot, complaining about your father and telling you you were just like him and that you would amount to nothing. She also told you many times you were ugly and regretted you were ever born.

With years of verbal abuse from your own mother at such an early age, those words have stayed with you ever since. It's no wonder your love life has been the way it is! - Because you have looked for a solution on the surface and not dug down deep to find out the root of the problem.

Finding the root of any problem can be time consuming, even extremely painful as you have to touch things you chose to leave buried or found difficult to deal with. However it is something you have to face up to one day.

With toothache, you always have a dentist to go to. What about the root of your love, money, family, health or spiritual problems?

Well, the root event (starting Sunday 11th September) then is exactly for those who don't want to touch the surface of their problems, patching things up with a 'filling'. It's for those who want to find the root of the problem, and either treat or uproot it so that they can move forward without getting anymore nasty surprises in the future.


26 August 2011

Justice - Your sin will find you out

For those who think God is unjust, read this article.

These pictures are of the same man, William Walter Asher III. In 1966 he committed robbery and murdered a bartender in San Francisco, USA. He fled to Canada from his jail cell after
8 years. There, he settled down and married. When that marriage ended he moved elsewhere and assumed another identity.
His mother on her deathbed made a plea to her family to secretly get him to contact her. This information was leaked to Police by a close family friend. Police then tracked phone calls to a Garry McDonald Webb in Salida, California days after Mrs Asher (William Asher's mum) death-bed plea.

Garry Webb turned out to be William Walter Asher III who was subsequently arrested for the robbery and murder he committed 45 years ago while on his way to work. Webb admitted his secret to them after being on the run for 36 years. Not even his current wife knew anything about his past.

If you have been wronged, then no matter how long it will take, justice will eventually be served.

If you have done wrong to someone, it is better to own up than to keep it a secret. It will play on your conscious and eat you up inside until you confess it to the one you wronged.

"Vengeance is Mine. I will repay," says the Lord..." Hebrews 10:30