13 December 2012

The Real Christmas Spirit - Jesus did it!

This advert came out last Christmas. I liked it and would like to share it with you as I did not get a chance last year...

This little boy thought of others, not himself... just like Jesus thought of us.


03 December 2012

What a child really wants

Parents have a tough time now more than ever. Though I do not have children myself, I have listened and seen the personal accounts from parents on what they have to go through in order make sure their kids are safe and well.

Growing up, of course there were things my mum worried about, nothing like today however.
I could go out and play around my block without being worried about being abducted. I was not scared of getting into a fight let alone being knifed or abused by children my age.
My worry was running to the kitchen window and shouting up to my mum to throw down some money before the ice cream van drove off.
Her concern was that I did not go on the main road on my skate board in. I broke that rule many times.

Havn't times changed so much now! Paedophiles, the internet, teenage gangs, drugs in its various form, teenage pregnancies, etc., etc. These are the dangers that every parent dreads will not affect their child, no matter their ethnic background, social status or religion.

There is one danger that I would like to address in this post. Something that is closer to home than many think. It affects children well into their adulthood and have follow-on effects on their children.
The perpetrators of this crime are never caught, arrested, put on trial and sentenced for their crime. It is usually hidden, almost invisible. Some recognise it when it too late if not at all.

And who are the perpetrators?


This crime is neglect. I'm not talking about not feeding your child, not cleaning them, allowing them to live in unclean conditions while parents 'escape' and party over weekends leaving their children to fend for themselves. The neglect I'm talking about is not giving your child the attention they need in their formative as well as their teenage years.

This not only affects children of wealthy parents who throw money and give their child whatever they ask for, but also children living in poverty.


I'll tell you what a child does not want. When they ask for or accept anything from sweets and money to the latest tablet or smartphone, they ask for or accept these things from their parents because that is what their parents are used to doing to 'sweeten' them up. They think material possessions will compensate for the things a parent should be giving to their child.

I have never seen or known a neglected child now in adulthood continue to say that they still want money, toys or the latest upgrade of that tablet or games console they received as a child.
What we all see is traumatised adults who are affected in their health, their personality or in their relationships with people. They are angry today not because they were spoilt with gifts but because of the lack of attention they so desperately needed.

"There is no toy, money or gadget that will EVER replace the time, the affection, the attention or the love of a parent." Even though no child will say no to these things, what they really want is the above. 

So my advice to parents reading this post.

It does not matter how busy you are, how tired you are, how down you are. You brought your children into this world. Give them the attention they need. Don't have your head buried in the sand thinking everything is rosy.

For some, the damage has been done. However you can still do something about it while there is time. Your children may be parents themselves, but deep down inside they still want mummy or daddy's attention.

If you find yourself being guilty of this neglect, do everything you can to change now.

Your actions can affect an entire generation and those that come after. Think about it!