14 December 2011

Another one bites the dust!

Demi Moore & Ashton Kutcher - R.I.P.Married 6 years, divorced 2011

Can you still afford to miss Love Therapy?
Saturdays - 7pm

05 December 2011

Do you really know Me?

In the past, one of my favourite artists was Michael Jackson. Like every fan, you sing his songs, try to dance like him, buy his albums and even go to his concerts. But how well did I really know him?

Well, I would either buy or get copies of his music from friends. When his exclusive videos would premiere on TV, I would be there to watch or record them. If there were special documentaries on his life and music, then I would tune in and would read anything in the papers about him. But to say I was a real fan, I wasn’t.
Can I say I knew the “King of Pop” just by listening to his music or watching music videos, etc?

I would have liked to go to one of his concerts, though I never got the opportunity to.
Let’s imagine I got my hands on a ticket and I was right at the front of Wembley Stadium, being pressed by the crowds. I’m within touching distance of him, and as he sings “Billie Jean is not my lover” while moonwalking in front of me, he stops, looks in my direction and then holds out his diamond encrusted white glove. I then touch his hand and hang on until he drags himself away to carry on with his routine. That experience is a lot better than just staying at home playing his music all the time, don’t you think?
However, can I now say I know the “King of Pop”?

Let’s take it a step further!

Imagine I win a competition to spend a day with Michael Jackson. I am chauffeur–driven to his hotel where we have breakfast. I meet his children. He gives me a signed autograph of his latest album. I spend the day shopping with him while he’s on tour in London. I get to ask all the questions about his personal life, music and family. He tells me things he hasn’t even told the media. And, finally, I go to his concert where I receive V.I.P. treatment and a backstage pass.
Can I now say I know the “King of Pop” after this experience?

From this simple example, you should be able to understand if you are born of God or not. Do you, only owning his “albums” (a Bible) and “knowing all the lyrics” (praying and singing hymns), think that you know the real God?
Or, do you think you know Jesus just because you are a faithful member having your life touched by His finger (the diamond encrusted glove) in the form of a blessing or a miracle? Is this enough to say you know God?

Not only should I say Jesus is my Lord with my words, I have to live out those words through my practising of them. This means taking some of my valued time to spend with Him – in prayer, in meditation, evaluating my thoughts, actions, words and changing accordingly, when my mistakes are “revealed” to me.

I can only do this when I make the time to seek the “Spirit of Love”. When I separate this time – not only for God, but more for me – to search and receive the new birth, then I will be able to know the “Real King”, His will for my love life and for my dreams to be made possible.

Have you met the “Real King” of love yet? Every Saturday, 7pm, at the Rainbow.

Pastor­ Michael­ Boodram
Email me:­ love@uckg.org

The Signs

When people pray for a sign from God, they usually say something along the lines of “God show me a sign, anything…”

This sign may be to show them whether God exists, whether a decision is the right one or not, or even if they are dating the right person. When someone asks for “this” sign, many expect for something spectacular or miraculous to happen.

I remember as a young boy I did this exact thing when I prayed for God to give me a sign. I would ask, “God, if You are really there, then make this object I’m looking at move or let the light flicker on and off.” How silly!
Many Christians still think that God speaks to them through dreams or visions they have, and even try to justify them today by quoting certain Bible verses. But what are the signs that God reveals to those who want to know whether they are heading in the right direction in their love life?

For example, you planned a day trip to the seaside; and so on the day you step out of your house to the car, would you immediately see a sign saying, “Seaside – front pier this way,” with an arrow pointing in the right direction? Of course you wouldn’t!
You would first need to know what direction to head in, what motorway to join and also what junction to get off at.
But as you follow the signs and head closer towards your destination, you will eventually see signs indicating the particular seaside you set out for.

The lesson to learn here is that you had to do some research first before you eventually found signs confirming that you are on the right track – right? With God, don’t expect signs to appear in front of you without some effort or action on your part.

If you have been thinking that God will guide you without any input from your side, then you are mistaken. God will show you “signs” whether you are on the right track or not when you step out and head towards your goal.

During your journey, you may take “wrong turns” or even “get lost” temporarily, but with your goal in mind, courage to move in more-or-less the right direction, and above all, faith, God, being your “satnav”, will guide you to your destination.
After all, if man has made a small navigation system that points you in the right direction, turn-by-turn and even warns you to do a U-turn if you have gone the wrong way, then don’t you think God Himself will point you back on track and in the right way too?

One way God wants to show you signs whether you are heading in the right direction or not is through the “Love Therapy” sessions.

See these sessions as the “theory test” you need to know before the “practical”. Along the way, there will be hazards and warning signs, but above all, slow down if you’re going too fast. Keep going “ahead only”, “no right or left turns”.

And remember:“No stopping!Read and follow the signs!

Pastor­ Michael­ Boodram

Email me:­ love@uckg.org